Physics Question #5057

Jack Racklyeft, a 16 year old male from North Sydney asks on July 29, 2010,

How does the temperature of a liquid effect its refractive index?

viewed 9423 times

The answer

Barry Shell answered on July 30, 2010

This answer was found at John Hanson's Refractometry Webpages at the University of Puget Sound. The speed of light in a substance is slower than in a vacuum because as the light passes through the substance it is being absorbed and reemitted by the atoms of the substance. Since the density of a liquid usually decreases with temperature, the speed of light in a liquid will normally increase as the temperature increases. Thus, the index of refraction normally decreases as the temperature increases for a liquid. A table showing the small changes in refractive index for a number of different liquids is given by Hanson on his site

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