Reference links

Know of a link to a resource that might be helpful? Send it to us!
Corporate oriented crowd-sourced website providing answers to questions, including science topics.
Ask Dr. Math
Drexel University wonderful Ask-A-Mathematician site
How Everything Works
The physics of everyday life, by Louis Bloomfield, U. of Virginia. Has a good archive.
Mad Scientists Network
One of the best archives of science questions and answers on the web
Newton Ask-A-Scientist
USA Argonne National Labs partially working Ask-A-Scientist site
Physics and astronomy online educational reference site.
Scientific American Ask-An-Expert
Lots of great questions and answers, but they only answer and publish selected questions.
The New Scientist magazine Last Word
Has great questions and answers, but they don't answer all submissions.
University of Toronto Blue Book of Experts
Look up an expert in any field and email or phone in your question