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The website is run by the GCS Research Society, a non-profit society registered in British Columbia, Canada.
For many years has been the number one search hit on Google, Yahoo or Bing for Canadian science. This high page ranking results from an extremely rich collection of original content that includes answers to thousands of general science-related questions, while maintaining a strong focus on Canadian scientists and their work.
We welcome your donations as sponsors of the website. If you represent a corporation, society, foundation, or government agency and you wish to support the project, please contact us or simply click on the "Donate" button on this page. Individuals are also welcome to sponsor You can use any credit card to make a donation. Or use PayPal. In return for your donation you will have:
- A listing in our sponsors list at the right, which appears on many pages on
- The choice of text for your listing on
- A link back to your organization's own homepage.
Links are generally active for up to one year depending on the amount of the donation. Please contact us for rates and consider supporting so you can get a link from this highly ranked site. Donations may also be anonymous. is visited by students, teachers, parents and educators especially during the school year. Everything on the site is free and requires no registration or login from users.
Much of the work to maintain is done by volunteers, but major content additions and design improvements are a result of cash grants and donations from governments, societies and foundations, as well as companies and individuals. Our sponsors over the years (since 1994) are listed at the right.
When you click the Donate button below, you will be taken to the secure PayPal website where payments are easy and safe. All major credit cards are accepted.